Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Blog Post: 2- Raul Cuero's Interview About Creativity Reaction

Although I have never heard of Raul Cuero before watching this video, afterwards I can relate to him and his ideas. He said from a young age he would go into nature and explore plants and small animals. Through this, his creative mind was expanded and it gave him a sense of belonging. I can relate to this specifically because I love nature, and being outdoors. From a young age, I was shooting, riding horses, playing outdoor sports, etc. This is crucial in someone's life because without having a way to escape from society, you will succumb to its' stresses.

I think being in situations where you have to react or think quickly helps your own personal creativity. Rather than just reaching for our cellphones, we should be able to be creative and help society be less stressed by coming up with creative responses to tough situations. Another point I agree on with Cuero is his take on loneliness. We often, especially today's society, associate loneliness with a bad thing and we always feel we need to be around someone. However, if you combine the idea of creativity and loneliness with the idea of usefulness rather than sorrow, when you are alone, you will be surprised how you feel and what you can achieve.

Lastly, I agree heavily on Cuero's point that no matter what a student plans to major in, he or she should be required to come up with some sort of creative project. In my current major, of Criminology, it is mostly facts and theories and I am excited about this class because I will have a chance to be creative and use my brain for a different purpose than memorizing topics for my future career.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Blog Post: 1- Introduction

Blog Post 1:

My name is Ryan Randall. I was born and raised in Odessa, Florida. My major at the University of Tampa is Criminology. In 3 months, I plan to join the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, and follow in my brother's footsteps. With my brother being a Sheriff and my sister a lawyer, I have always been passionate about helping others and serving others.

Our first class, I did not know what to expect. In regards to the coursework, presentations, etc. My mind was eased when I got the syllabus and saw that even for a non-art major, this material would be interesting and do-able. I have been at this university for almost 4 years and this is the first art class I am taking. I am excited to see a sneak peak of what art majors study and how their classes are.

Although I do not consider myself artsy with any stretch of imagination, I am hoping to become more well versed in the understanding of the connection between art and technology, specifically, through social media. Social media is everywhere nowadays and is not only for fun, but also has the ability to do so much more. I am looking forward to this semester and doing something brand new in my last semester of Undergrad!